The Boogie Shoes Blog

National Pizza Day You Tube Video!

National Pizza Day You Tube Video!

There are two things happening today. One, National Pizza Day (yay)! Two, Boogie has his own You Tube channel! We think launching his channel on a ...
Dr. Shayda with Boogie after his surgery

Spay & Neuter Awareness Month

February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, a national month long campaign to encourage people to have their pets sterilized. Why February? Because th...
Dr. Shayda, Boogie & Dr. Hanson

What's the Wobble? It's Cerebellar Hypoplasia.

The person who dropped Boogie off at the animal shelter said they found him in the Wal-Mart parking was a scorching 102 degrees in Palm Sp...
Boogie's First Day

Boogie's First Day

Boogie Shoes is a two pound Chihuahua with cerebellar hypoplasia. He was found in a Wal-Mart park lot on a scorching, 102 degree day in Palm Spring...